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Kal'iksix Viaxus
Player: Tina
Place of Birth: Menzoberranzan
Class: Drow
Guild: Qu'ellar d' Alean'und
Personal Data
Real Name: Kal'iksix
Aliases: Matron, Mistress
Race: Drow
Age: 25 decades
Height: 5 ft 9 inches
Weight: 145
Eye Color: Deep Crimson
Hair Color: Pure White
Biographical Data
Residence: The Drow Quarter of Umbra, Shinduago Charnaggen
Former Guilds: Qu'ellar d' Viaxus
Marital Status: Essentially single but had many mates
Relatives: Vas'al d'Alean'und - Son (with Nalimar), Lolth the Spider Queen - Mother
Biological daughter of Lolth
Can control animals to do as she pleases, necromancy
Unique Equipment
magical tome
No additional information available.


Ulu l' Qu'ellar d' Viaxus, Ilta mzilst Valsharen Nei, Nrunn dal l' Qu'ellar d' Kil'zynge, Twin jalilen. Ninta ilhar uriu offered mina ulu dosst Zhennu qu'ellar 'zil natha jous d' continued loyality. L' Jalilen uriu tlus named wun ulu dosst zhennu qu'ellar Ussta nei, seeing l' birth zhahus wund l' waning d'lil Festival d' Baenre. Ja'hai mina a dosst orn whol udos ph' drill dosst humbler floh'len. Xuileb delay nind travel ulu Orbb Che'el, Jallil Kal'iksix lu' Zul'ixiva zhal'la arrive wund l' waxing d'lil huthin Drathir, Nind inbal tlus trained wun Courtly valyr lu' ph' 'sohna Nei a dosst disposal.

Qu’ellar d’ Kil’zynge

{To the House of Viaxus, Her most Imperial Empress, Bore from the House of Kil'zynge, Twin females. Their mother has offered them to your Great house as a show of continued loyalty. The Females has been named in to your great house My empress, seeing the birth was within the waning of the Festival of Baenre. Accept them at your will for we are but your humbler followers. Without delay they travel to Spider City, Lady Kal'iksix and Zul'ixiva should arrive within the waxing of the next Moon, They have been trained in Courtly manner and are again Empress at your disposal. Qu’ellar d’ Kil’zynge }

Mirror image twins…identical in every way, the alignment of the stars and planets and the celebration of the first powerful house of Menzoberranzan had paved the way to this miraculous event. Word went out immediately across the lands in hope to reach the Empress. That night Kil’zynge swore to hand over her girls to the Empress going as far as giving them the Viaxus surname rather than the pathetic name of the male she was married to.

Kal’iksix hid in the shadow taking pain-stakingly care not to breathe as she aimed her bow at an innocent hind which would serve as their meals for the next 3 days. The journey to Spider City had certainly been too long for her liking but it was very important in teaching her the patience she would need in becoming a deadly assassin. The snap of the bow string and the whizzing of the arrow through the air cut the silence but not enough to alert the hind of her presence. The beast dropped as the arrow ruptured one lung, burst through the heart and punctured the opposite lung. Zil’ixiva emerged from the shadow next to Kal’iksix clapping.

“Well done sister,” she said without a word uttered from her mouth. Kal’iksix nodded and slung her bow onto her back. They were trained meticulously in the art of the shadows and archery. When they weren’t training their weaponry…court customs was drilled into their heads. There was very little free time for them growing up, so they learned to “talk” to each other without uttering a word. Sometimes a look shared between them could mean certain death to the unsuspecting victim. The year journey from their home to Spider City would be their final test in their training. Sending them out with much fanfare, for this would cement their family’s House with the most powerful House left within their Lands.

The litter swayed back and forth, the rhythmic sound of the slaves foot beating against the ground, Zul’ixiva’s head rested on her sister’s shoulder, one so much the other, within her head she spoke to her sister. It would not be recognized as language but more one’s thoughts would find the other without a sound. Kal’iksix moved her shoulder looked into her sister’s eyes with a slight grin. Peering between the veiled curtains of the litter taking in the lands they had passed. “Will be good to be within walls once we arrive, no more tents or boorish caves for us Sister, we will be greeted for what we are; remember the words of the Priestess.” “Gaer zhal neitar tlu jalbyr draa saph dos, mzilt kyon zhahus plynnet ulu insure dosst birth.” {There shall never be another two like you, much care was taken to insure your birth}

Abruptly the litter stopped, muffled sound of the Guard confronting another reached their ears, pulling the curtain back, Kal’iksix stepped out walking towards their guard, “Zhahen dos quarthen ulu kiel udossta arrival?” {Were you commanded to slow our arrival} Six abreast in the road stood the Empress’ guard, from the House of Viaxus. “L' Nei daewle whol udossa ulu sila dos l' v'dre d'lil i'dol, dal ghil pholor nindol line” {The Empress wishes for us to bring you the rest of the way, from here on this line}, taking the end of his pike leaving a visual mark in the dirt, “Vel'bol dos inbal doer dal zhah tlu forgotten, lu' nin tluin wund l' bounderies d' ilta Nei, dos orn sevir dosst entourage, lu' elendar harl udossta Kyorl. Dictated a Suuz'chok,dosst nin d'lil Qu'ellar Viaxus.” {What you have come from is be forgotten, and now being among the bounderies of her Empress, you will leave your entourage, and continue below our Guard. Dictated as tradition, your now of the House of Viaxus}

Kal’iksix , turned looking at the litter held rigid by their mother’s slaves, calling silently for her sister to come forth. Standing one next to the other the Guard was taken back for a moment for there was no distinction between them. The Females used to this reaction, stood silently,and with a slight of hand, their new escorts led them towards two large lizards flanked by rows of guards on foot. Only a day’s ride from Spider City, Kal’iksix and Zul’ixiva watched as the dark turrets came into focus across the desert.


Long and lean, Kal'iksix carries herself with an arrogant aire. Not one to brag about her bloodline, Kal'iksix seeks only things that please her, males, slaves, allies, etc, and will use her sex appeal to get what she wants. Despite the attractive outside, inside burns pure evil and a short fused temper.

Other Information

Recently siding with the Lich Lord Darrien, Kal'iksix continues her fight for Drow power and to claim a high status.