10th Anniversary

Revision as of 14:48, 22 October 2007 by Cogniac (Talk | contribs) (10th Anniversary Items)

(General Overview)

Fireworks Shows

(Explanation, locations, etc.)

10th Anniversary Gifts

Publish 47 included the distribution of a gift box for the 10th Anniversary. It was given to each and every character that was at least 30 days old by October 25, one month after the official 10th Anniversary. This gift box included the following:

10th Anniversary Items

In addition to the 10th Anniversary gift box, Publish 47 also included a new system wherein special items began dropping in the eight original anti-virtue legacy dungeons. This new system functions the same way as the Doom Gauntlet system works, namely that there is a small chance for one of the items to drop directly into your backpack with each monster killed, and that the percentage chance for this to occur is based directly on the fame of the creature killed. The new anti-virtue dungeon drop system is also similiar to the Treasure of Tokuno system in that a player's base chance of receiving an item drop is augmented by a small amount for each monster killed, this amount also being based on the fame of the creature killed, with this augmented chance resetting to zero each time an item successfully drops.

It has been stated that not only will this be a permanent system, but that the list of items that drop will be extended over time, with some items being occasionally rotated out of circulation. Currently, the items that drop include:

Asian 10th Anniversary Box Release

(Explanation, info on what's included, etc.)