Atlantic:The Grand Britannian Repertory

Revision as of 12:51, 27 September 2010 by HalisterMarner (Talk | contribs)


The Grand Britannian Repertory

  • Owner: Halister Marner
  • Shard: Atlantic
  • Facet: Tokuno
  • Coordinates: 38o 14'N, 42o 23'W
  • Directions: The Grand Britannian Repertory is located just outside of Zento's north eastern gate.
  • Type: Player Written Book Library
  • Operational Status: Open


The Grand Britannian Repertory is located just outside of Zento's north eastern gate and houses over 1,500 books, making it the largest library in Ultima Online history, and the primary center of lore on Atlantic. The library is open for all visitors, lectures, studies and events.
