
Revision as of 22:34, 1 July 2008 by Bomb Bloke (Talk | contribs) (Clarifications, more info.)

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“If I close my eyes, they can’t see me. Right?”

Danger may lurk behind every tree, deep in darkened dungeons, or simply in the intentions of the rogue walking behind you. With sufficient skill in Hiding, you can disappear into the shadows whenever necessary.

Your chance of hiding successfully is directly equal to that of your hiding skill. You may not hide close to creatures that are actively hostile towards you, though with improved ability their blocking range decreases. Having creatures neutral to you nearby has no effect on your chances of concealing yourself.

Like the Detecting Hidden skill, Hiding is always successful within your house. Although this has not always been the case, you will gain in skill there just as quickly as anywhere else.

A proficient Snooper can peer into the packs of other players while remaining hidden, and the art of Ninjitsu also relies somewhat on the ability to remain unseen. The Stealth skill furthermore allows characters to move while out of sight.

Unlike the Invisibility spell the effect of hiding does not wear off and leaves you safe until you perform another action. Equipping items, looting your own corpse or moving objects around your pack will not reveal you, nor will the use of the guild/party chat.

Be warned that when successfully hiding while under the attentions of a magic using monster, they will stop in their tracks and cast Reveal on your location. While they are occupied in this process you might consider running as fast as your legs can carry you!


  • 0 - 30: Train at Gypsy, Ranger, or Thief.
  • 30 - 60: Hide.
  • 60 - 120: Hide in your house (where you cannot fail), Stealth, repeat. The use of the stealth skill lowers the timer before you can hide again by a few seconds, hence allowing you to gain at a faster rate. As you can't stealth unless you are already hidden the house is used to ensure success.

See Also