Talk:Elven Heritage Quest

I have just recently started my old UO account back up. After playing a couple of weeks, I decided to change one of my toons race to an elf. I completed all the necessary quests and returned to Darius the Wise. He comments on my completion and when he asks if I want to embrace my elvish heritage, I click OK. The customization window pops up, but There is no text on any of the boxes, and I can not change features. Even If I click ok, my race doesn't change and a message appears after a few seconds, "You may try this again later..."

I did this several times, and each time got the same message. All my gear was banked, and I even took everything out of my bag as well, still with no success.

If anyone else has had this happen, let me know if you can help.

- Slowmadman

Is this with the 2D Client, or KR? Are you able to try both clients? - Bomb Bloke 07:13, 15 December 2008 (UTC)

I'm using Kingdom Reborn. The last expansion I own is like, Blackthorne's revenge. Wonder if Windows Vista would like that.. lol. Anyway,... I guess since this heritage quest doesn't appear in your quest log, there is no way to retake it and try again. I did do a bug report... not sure if that will do me any good.

- Slowmadman

A quick Google suggests that KR simply isn't capable of letting you finish that quest. Hmm.

But it seems the skin mod BB_Enhanced might allow you to do it? Beats downloading a billion client updates for the 2D version...

If it works, then that bit of info would be well worth adding to the main page here. :)

- Bomb Bloke 07:46, 16 December 2008 (UTC)