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Latest revision as of 14:55, 23 January 2008

Hello all, i play on europa and bought 350 ecru citrines + 350 dark sapphires, i got 1000 sapphires and citrines, and i'll use valorite ingots, my skills are 100 tinkering + 110 magery(affects mods?), and i use a talisman tinkering exeptional bonus 21 and tinkering bonus 25 I hope im gonna craft some good stuff, i invested quite some money Succes chanche on ecru citrine ring > 75 ( :( ) Exeptionall chanche > 26

After 168 ecru citrines, 385 citrines and 87 valo ingots i crafted SERIOUS SHIT LOL :P (not much exeptionalls) ,, next time better? >>> still got lot of ingredients left for this ))

From now on, i just tell if any good items ))

>> NO good items on 31 ecru citrines lol

GOnna craft some dark sapphire bracelets now... ( :D )

(good items?) >>> GUESS WHAT , 1 nice bracelet

>> 2 MR + 8 Wrestling + 2 IntB + 12 DCI + 13 LRC , exeptionall crafted by Joshua (me :P )

MMmm, not yet all ingred. gone though )) >>no goods anymore

CONCLUSION > ON 700 gemstones > 1 good item lol

White Pearl Bacelet: in the article say : "Always one of the following: LRC 10% or 20%, FC, FCR". I try craft one and...: SPIRIT SPEAK +4, NS, LUCK 40 and FIRE RES +6. ?????? ( to trash barrel) My char is GM tinker and talisman +27 tinker bonus.

Another White Pearl Bracelet anomoly

Just wasted 10 pearls making this:

White Pearl Bracelet (Resist Spells:4, Int Bonus 5, Night Sight, Luck 40, enahnce potions 5%, Energy Resist 7%) don't see lrc or fc/fcr on it.....