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* [http://boards.stratics.com/php-bin/uo/showprofile.php?User=304104 Stratics Profile]
* [http://boards.stratics.com/php-bin/uo/showprofile.php?User=304104 Stratics Profile]
[[Category:Game Developer]]
[[Category:Game Developers]]

Revision as of 21:28, 4 January 2007

Sanya is the new Director of Community following the reorganization of UO under the EA-Mythic partnership. His role is larger unknown at this time.

Introduction Message

Sanya posted the following on U Hall Stratics to introduce himself:

Hi. I'm told you all don't bite... hard.

I'm Sanya. I'm Mythic's community weenie. Well, EA Mythic, which is actually how I got here in front of you today. Long story, one for another time.

MMO community work is what I love best. If you ever see me move to development like that crazy Wilki, it's because someone tripled my salary and gave me access to naked grape-peeling dancing boys who bring me slushies on the hour, every hour. I've been doing this for five years, and the main thing I've learned (besides "consume frozen drinks slowly") is when to shut up and leave things to the experts.

In the case of you guys, I'm going to let Jeremy (intro to follow in the next post) do the lurking and the posting, for the most part. She has been playing UO since launch, and loves this game the way I love Dark Age of Camelot. I'll be advocating for you in the big picture, but Jeremy will actually be at development meetings representing you.

We have some stuff planned, tools for feedback, and things to celebrate you as individuals and as guilds. But this thread is about saying hello, and sniffing each other like deranged beagles. Tomorrow, we'll start the real conversation.

I'm sanya@mythic.ea.com, in case you care. Okay, take it away, Jeremy!

See Also