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Latest revision as of 12:41, 21 January 2016

Atlantic bishimi character.gif
Player: Lee
Place of Birth: Homare-Jima
Class: Ninja
Guild: The Blue Lotus Clan
Personal Data
Real Name: Hanzagiri Shinta
Aliases: Bishimi, Soke
Race: Human
Age: 30
Height: 5' 5"
Weight: 165 lbs
Eye Color: Black
Hair Color: Born black but dyed blue
Biographical Data
Residence: Makoto-Jima
Former Guilds: None
Marital Status: Engaged
Relatives: His sister Ni'Xuin is his only living family.
Youngest to reach the rank of shidoshi, third soke of the clan.
Mastered both the way of ninja and poisoning.
Unique Equipment
He carries a large stash of poisons that he is able to apply, effortlessly, even on the run to his favorite kryss.
No additional information available.


For as long as he can remember, Bishimi had always been taught that those who had been placed into power over Tokuno by his Grandmother, Wei Hanzagiri, were usurpers of what one day would have been his. His father, Daimyo Lahan of the Hanzagiri Clan, made sure he knew of it, and spoke of it almost incessantly. Bishimi learned never to question his father, or face beatings that left scars on his back. But once he came of age, those questions came to demand answers; regardless of the wounds he had to remind him of his fathers rage.

Even when it came to the Warrior Training he received as a youth, his father always insisted he focus on his lessons in Bushido. The entire time his family lived and controlled the island of Homare-Jima, Daimyo Lahan wished nothing more for his son but for him to become a powerful Samurai who would one day take his rightful place as Shogun next to his father, the would be Emperor of Tokuno. But the ways of the ninja always drew him away. On many occasions, his father would lock him away in isolation for days after discovering various tools of Ninjitsu in Bishimis possession. The harsh lessons his father continued to force on him, eventually led Bishimi to go where he had been restricted from traveling, and to answers for the questions he had.

With the Nakamura Clan controlling the island of Makoto-Jima, Bishimi was forbidden to travel to this island. Bishimi never knew if this was for his protection, or as a way to withhold the truth about what his grandfather had done to the Empire, and the scourge he had placed within his own sons. But as a young man, full of contempt for his father, Bishimi began to secretly spend many hours in Makoto and the capital city of Zento.

It was within the walls of Zento that Bishimi had discovered ninja of a different sort. They were not cruel like the Ronin Samurai and Ninja his father paid for their service, but focused on keeping the peace and protecting the people of Tokuno. It was a far cry from seeing citizens squeezed for all they could provide as his father had done in Homare-Jima. On many occasions, he began to hear the stories of just what his heritage consisted of, and came to realize that he must have had inherited his Grandmothers sense of right and honor. It wasnt long before he began asking questions such as Why cant Homare be ruled like Makoto? Why should the citizens be forced into slavery when peace and tranquility could be so easily be achieved?

On a day that would change his life forever, Bishimi found himself trailing several ninja from Makoto as they patrolled the City of Zento. They were much younger than he, but it was apparent how well these three youths had been trained. Even several years his junior, it was all he could do to simply keep up with them and remain hidden. As luck would have it, there were others doing the same thing as he, but these two men were apparently the Sensei to the trio he followed. Crouched behind the corner of a building, Bishimi was startled to feel a hand grasp his shoulder. Spinning around while drawing his dagger, he saw two ninja dressed head to toe in dark blue leather armor. No sooner had he drawn his blade, when the man who had touched him effortlessly batted it away. Watching it spin away through the air, Bishimi stood and looked at the men, both of which wore green Ninja belts around their waist.

Looking Bishimi up and down, the man closest to him said, I am Shidoshi Takashi, and this is Shidoshi Shinto. Ninja of the Hanzagiri Clan have no business here. Realizing that destiny had placed him at this very moment with these men, Bishimi simply said, I am Shinta, son of Lahan Hanzagiri, and I wish to defect.

After being brought to Soke Seiji, his request was granted. But Seiji asked that he never speak of his heritage, and only go by the name Bishimi. Accepting these terms gladly, Bishimi soon found himself training with the Ninja of the Nakamura Imperial Army as an Oshiego. Taking to his studies like a man driven, he quickly began mastering the skills and methods of the ninja he had been sworn to destroy. It wasnt long before he quickly progressed into the rank of Shodan, all while under the watchful eye of several senior Clansmen, including the Soke himself.

Once his loyalty had been confirmed, not by his words, but in the honorable fashion in which he lived, the Soke and his fellow leaders, soon came to call Bishimi friend. To his surprise, he was not only accepted into this honorable Clan, but soon became the youngest to achieve the rank of Shidoshi. It was then that he grew to call the leaders of this Clan brother and began looking to Seiji as a surrogate father.

When the Soke asked his most trusted Clansmen to undertake a special mission into the lands of Britannia, Shidoshi Bishimi was one of the 5 chosen to complete the task. During this mission, an urgent message reached them that the Hanzagiri forces had killed the Emperor and kidnapped his daughter, the love of their master. By the time the group assigned to the mission returned, they learned that Bishimis own father had captured Miko and took her back to Homare-Jima. They also learned that their Soke had already left in pursuit, so they soon picked up the chase.

Knowing who Bishimi was, his fellow Shidoshi asked if he could lead them to where Lahan would go, which he did without hesitation. Upon arrival, they discovered the body of Lahan Hanzagiri and the dying form of their beloved Soke. Watching him die, in the arms of his lover Miko, Bishimi silently wished it had been him who had killed his father and took the mortal blow that now drew the life out of Seiji in front of their eyes.

After the death of Soke Seiji, the newly crowned Empress of Tokuno tasked the 5 remaining members of Seijis Clan to form what is now known as the Blue Lotus Clan, named as such in honor of their fallen leader. Using his knowledge of how not to treat subordinates, Bishimi quickly became instrumental in managing the clansmen of the Blue Lotus. But to this day, his true identity has never been revealed to anyone outside of the Blue Lotus Elder Council.

With the loyalty of a man saved from a life of evil, Bishimi has proven himself as one of the most dedicated and honorable leaders of the Blue Lotus, which eventually resulted in his appointment to the rank of Shihan, which resulted in him becoming a direct representative of the Blue Lotus and its current Soke, who returns his unquestioning loyalty.

Many rumors have circulated about who Bishimi is, and where he comes from. But the one thing heard most, is that the blood that runs through his veins is not red, but blue as the Lotus that symbolizes the Clan he serves, and the man who brought him into the light of honor and truth: Seiji, the first Soke of the Blue Lotus Clan.


While a short man Bishimi carries himself as if he were a giant. His hands are rough due to his weapon training from a young age. Speaks softly but his voice carries a tone of authority that is hard to ignore. He has only showed his face to the ones he has come to trust most, otherwise it remains covered or obscured by his hood or a large kasa.

Other Information

While Bishimi fears no man and has been known to fight against the most staggering of odds he does fear dishonor. To dishonor his clan or his remaining family is a fate worse then death to him. He has a general dislike for magic and if one watches him closely will notice hesitation before stepping through a mages gate of transport. Bishimis hand in marriage was recently given to Merci d'Rue of StoneGate in an effort to strengthen the two clans ties.