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Subject: Candidate Duchess Molly Willow

First of all I would like to thank you for the nomination. We have been through some hard times and some great times. We will return to those great times again no matter whom is at the helm. I am proud to say that I supported my esteemed opponent in the last elections and hold him in high regard. I consider him a friend and feel he would make a great leader. I will be proud to compete with him for this position.

I will begin by saying that I have been with the Regency since it's inception and have always been loyal. I believe in what we stood for in the past and what we stand for now and will in the future. We are a broad based group of guilds seeking to improve our lands, serve Lord British and uphold his laws. Lord British commissioned us in the beginnings and upon his return verified that we should remain as his hand in our land, to help govern the everyday responsibilities he can not personally attend to himself and I feel we should remain as such.

As in any group there is conflicting views but it is paramount that we deal with our differences in a civil and proper manner and present a united front to the world. We all wish to improve the Regency and bring it back to it's former greatness. I extend to focus on doing just that should I be elected. We will need to bring in new members and bring back those that have left for various reasons.

We are needed to protect the innocent of the realm and to aid those that ask for our help. Turning a blind eye to the rabble and allowing havoc to reign is not what we are all about. When all means of negotiations fail as they do from time to time we will stand united against the dark and shady forces in this realm and good will not only survive but flourish. We will protect those that need us and we will not back down from a fight for the right.

We need to become more visible in the community as well. I would like to propose that those members of the Regency with guild titles carry the symbol in their title using the Regency insignia as part of their title so all will know and stand proud as members. This symbol I have carried since I became a member. (=B=) It will not only draw questions but will give all the opportunity to say who we are and what we are all about.

I will also encourage and plan events large and small to aid the innocent and involve the community. Caravans, trade between cities, tournaments, awards ceremonies, balls, tavern nights, and festivals all will bring in the local populous and they will see we are alive and active and willing to be part of the community as a whole.

I will encourage recruitment drives hosting them for the entire community to bring in new members to the entire realm opening up new avenues and new guilds. I would also like to see a school reactivated or instituted to help the newest members of our community grow in knowledge. Without new blood we become complacent and there are no new challenges.

I would also like to institute or renew the idea of a Grand Assembly. RedWind's proposal is what I have in mind for the future. We need in our community a central place to go to deal with the everyday running and governing of our community as a whole. A summit every two months to come together and discuss any issues that need to be addressed. As urgent needs arise we should have a panel to address them and decide if a emergency summit should be called to deal with them. There would be no leaders only moderators and panel members on a rotating basis to keep it fair to all. Law enforcement would be up to the individual guilds not to the main body. Laws would be set as generalities not set in stone. Each infraction would be dealt with on an individual basis in the best interest of the community at large. Major events would have a place to be coordinated and discussions of semantics would be dealt with in this forum. Each group would have a representative weather light dark or neutral all with an equal voice and vote. It would not be a popularity contest nor would it be a complaint session but would be a productive place to sit and face the needs of the community and a place to exchange ideas.

Those are some of the ideas I will put into action should I be elected Regent. Others will have a forum to share their ideas as well within our meetings. I would like each guild to bring reports of how their guilds are doing to the meetings and if they need help with everyday problems or need military support that would be a way to make that known to all. The door would always be opened to the Regents office figuratively speaking and to the small council members for any of the members of the Regency to discuss problems and help find solutions for those problems.

I am a firm believer in delegating authority so be prepared to be asked to show your support by helping with various duties within the Regency. It is your organization and we all need to participate in it's leadership.

Now a little about me. I have been a member of this community for more years than I can count. My humble beginnings were in Minoc. I learned the skills of a smith and miner. After a year or more alone in the mines, I started traveling to Britain to sell my wares everyday. On a trip there one sunny afternoon I ran into who I though was a thief or worse. He called to me and asked me to join him in conversation. Yes I ran like the wind for the safety of the Britain guard zone. He convinced me that he was on the up and up so I followed him to his guild house in Felucca. There was no Trammel. Rumors were just being heard about a place called Delucca and Malas and Isilnir were undiscovered. Yes, I have been here a long , long time. I joined that guild and began a journey that has been rewarding, exciting and frightening at times. I was taught the ways of the Community by such names as Gromph, Aleph, Greypawn, Rainbow King, Sunwolf, and many others.

I moved to Rivendell and later to a home south of the hedge maze on the outskirts of Rivendell. I joined 2ST and then left to join BWC which I later became their leader. I have always been a leader or member of the light. I lead the BWC back to it's former greatness. We later changed directions and became B(K. When the Regency was established we took the name of our charge the hedge maze. We called ourselves Hedge's Run Barony or HRB, When the Regency asked us to take on more responsibilities we felt the name HRB was too limiting so we took the name of the royal house we were awarded by the Regent, The House of the Gauntlet. I feel I am well versed in the running of the Regency. I have held many positions within and most recently I am the Chamberlain which I have held at the request of the past three regents. I believe my record stands for itself. If I am elected Regent I will be a leader who will lead the Regency to a new and renewed time of greatness. This is my pledge to you. It will be your Regency and one to be proud of.