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(Atlantic History: Declaration of War Against Moonglow)
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Latest revision as of 21:04, 23 February 2016

The military forces of Moonglow, sworn to Alliance with the Virtuous Nation of Britannia, have on this very evening, and without suitable cause or provocation, attacked the Sovereignty of Britannia and her Democratic Commonwealth of Yew. The cowardly invaders did storm the Empath Abbey and slay all who would defend the hallowed building against their unwarranted and treacherous act. In the end, many good and noble men were murdered by the warmongers from Verity Isle.

The Nation of Britannia will offer no quarter to the Moonglow pirates. We shall drive them with force and prejudice from our land. We shall not rest until this enemy, which once pledged to defend us, has been eradicated from this realm. The government of Moonglow can no longer call itself a Virtue Council. Until such time that new leadership emerges, the Isle will be considered as a center of corruption and evil.

There will be no Rights of Passage granted to the Moonglow pirates through any Britannian lands. There will be no trade or business between our two entities. No assistance shall be given to the Moonglow criminals when they are inevitably set upon by their many enemies. We beseech all noble organizations to support these terms and help us to drive the Moonglow military regime into the dust. We beseech all those noble organizations who once joined the Moonglow Alliance, in the belief that they were bonding with a Virtuous Alliance, to break from their treaty. It is time to send a message that you will not tolerate such treachery and duplicity from those who once called you friend. Should you require our assistance, or our protection in the event that you make such a move, you have but to ask.

The Loyal Vassals of the Britannian Crown are expected to rally your militias and make yourselves available to our military leaders. Heed the calls from our Chancery, from Lord Thorin, Lord Kronos and Lord Keale; from our Chamber and Lord Aeirs. Let those men and women who seek Justice come forth and offer their swords to our leaders so that they may direct your fury and destroy our enemies.

The Moonglow Town Council and her allies in treachery are enemies of our realm. To aid them is to become our enemy too.