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September 6, Sunday

Feast at Hungry Halfling tavern

I was invited to a feast in the newly built Hungry Halfling -tavern by Monk Aesculapius. I was able to arrive there quite early, among the first. I was honoured to meet Lord Vraal and Lady Xena Dragon.

The time past fast as we spoke of various matters of our land and drank the taverns fine wine. However soon more people came, and we were forced to move outside as the air was literally running out inside the tavern as it got so crowded.


First task was of course to collect wood to make furniture for people outside, I took proudly part in this task by crafting few tables. After a short while out in the gardens a mystical woman in all white appeared to the gardens. She introduced herself as Sybil the Divine. Then she started to talk about "Universal" Virtues, and to be honest I am not sure wasth it herecy or just study of Virtues in a little different perspective. I never got a change to talk a depth conversation with her because the huge crowd, and the unfortunate events that followed soon after.


And then happend something very shocking, a murder at broad daylight, in the middle of the feast. in middle of crowd a woman named Kalsha struck down an innosent man and probably robbed him as well. After the deed she quickly vanished from the site. Of course we arranged a party to track down this murderer. In short while I was with a party lead by Daedric Dragon. However Lord Vraals group was faster and captured the murderer before us, at least so I was told.


Next was the trial. I was on favor of judging this criminal by Lord British laws, in Court of Yew. However we ended up having the trial in garden of Hungry Halfling. The atmosphere was chaotic, everyone was yelling and asking questions. Then Sybil the Divine appointed herself as the judge and the court began. But just when the Judge was going to give Kalsha mercy she took an explosive potion from under her cloth, and she threw it to crowd, wounding many, including me. Sybil was shocked that she had misjudged the murderer, in revange Sybil killed Kalsha and at the same time herself in a huge explosion. Indeed it was a moment of great sadness. Afterward some called Sybil a false Prophet... we wont most likely ever know the truth. The merry atmosphere of the feast was gone for the evening.


September 4, Friday

The first explorers of the New Land

Mine good old friend, and guildmaster of Order of Justice, Vaughn Glowember hasth departed to the new continent that was found few moons ago. Vaugn Glowember is one of the few that got the kings permission to explore the lands with few of the other chosen.

For those of thee who doesth not know who Vaughn Glowember is I will tell little about him. I think the most known event he took part in was the Midwinter Ball. Actually he was one of the head orginizers of the event. Other main orginizers who responsible to make the event true were Aimeric, Madeline, Luthien and her Mustardmen, plus various people I doth not know so well. But one thing is sure, the ball was one of the most rememberable event in Britannia's history.

Me and mine friends on a horse race


Me and Vaughn Glowember


I have spent many long hours discussing the state of Britannia with him, and the Order of Justice repsents all that we see Holy and Virtue, for it is the Eight Virtues of the Avatarhood that guide our paths.

Here is a short story what happened on the eve when he left:

Vaughn looked up at me when I entered the his home where he had summoned me, all the while placing provisions within a large sea-going trunk. I noticed torches, dried meats, a bedroll, along a fine set of platemail. Then he spoke to me and mine friends already there.

"Hail friends, I have brought you into my chamber to say farewell, for a time being. As you may or may not know, I have been chosen to join the expeditionary force to the new continent. As you may guess, I am genuinely enthused about going, as I hear there is much to be seen and explore on this new land mass....but I also am a bit concerned. I am not as young as I used to be. I traipsed the lands of Britannia as a youth, and I am a bit more unsteady in my gait....my only hope is my body keeps in time with my spirit."

Vaughn smiled:"Though, know I go with a purpose....I will be scouting the lands to find locations where the City of Hope shall be placed. I have packed surverying tools, alongside my sword, so that I shall find a spot that is both serviceable and beautiful.

I shall be in the lands though, as I will use magick to make my way back from time to time, so know that I am not truly "departing." I will be sending word on what I discover..."

"Take care, friend, and wish me good journey!", said Vaughn. All were a bit amazed by this sudden announcement, but after we recovered from the amazement we all wished him good and safe journey. Then the old man walked from the house, towing the seachest behind him.

September 3, Thursday

Looking for citizens to donate items for an Auction

Hail, I am Wolf. I am looking for people who would like to donate items for an auction to raise funds for a General Store, Items that will be sold there will include:

  1. Potions
  2. Bolts and Arrows
  3. Various useful scrolls such as Recall, Mark and Gate
  4. Reagents
  5. Various types of armor, with various colors
  6. Maps, possibly deeds for ships and small houses
  7. Numerous assorted food items(cheap of course)

And any other thing I can think of. If you are interested in donating please contact me. All donators will be kept track of, and if it is a failure all items will be returned to the owner. Thank you,