
Revision as of 09:45, 27 September 2006 by JC the Builder (Talk | contribs)

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  • Royal Commander: Lord Vincent
  • Meeting Place: Lord British Castle Throne Room, Trammel
  • Notification Method: Cooking Fish on throne room alter
  • Last Event Date: September 18, 2006

Current Arc Synopsis

Mysterious black dragons have been appearing throughout the land. [Better summary to come]

Event Summeries

September 18, 2006 - Lord Vincent has summoned the Royal Guard with haste. There are reports Trinsic is being invaded by arachnids. Upon arrival the reports are confirmed. Frost Spiders, Black Widows, and other insects such as Ant Lions and Fire Beetles have overwhelmed the defenses of Southeast Trinsic. The Royal Guard sets to dispatching the menace and makes great headway into the horde. Along the way several Spider Brood Queens appear which are very large and dangerous. But they too eventually fell to the Royal Guard.

After Returning to the castle Lord Vincent declares victory and takes the guard to a local pub. On the way reports come back that the spiders have begun their attack once again. The guard cuts their excurtion short and returns to Trinsic for battle. Upon dispatching the last Brood Queen, Vincent decides to send out regular patrols to keep the city under control. The guard ends the night visiting pubs and with some knightings (sashes given out.