The Pirate Conspiracy

Revision as of 01:46, 3 June 2008 by Hawkeye pike (Talk | contribs)

The Pirate Conspiracy - Catskills Event Series

All Catskills players are invited to join into a new event series organized by the roleplaying community. An incident on June 21st 2008 will kick off a new storyline, which will bring a lot of fun and interaction for the participating guilds and players. With these events we will introduce the background of the conflict between unsavory folk (pirates) and the honorable society of Britannia. It is time to CHOOSE YOUR ALLEGIANCE! To participate, you should join one of the involved guilds!

Catskills event.jpg

  • The events will start with the Pirate Conspiracy, and more events will follow at regular intervals. Information about the schedule will be posted here. It is possible to join into the event at any given time.
  • The event will cover roleplaying, adventuring, riddles and fighting (PVP). There will be challenges for each type of player, be it roleplayers or fighters, good or evil, experienced or new players.
  • Expect the Pirate Conspiracy event to last at least 2 weeks, with new things happening at a certain predetermined time almost every day. When this event is finished, others will follow (depending on the outcome).
  • For those who contribute a lot to the event, be it as outstanding roleplayer, brave fighter, reliable companion or clever riddle-solver, valuable rewards are waiting! Your names will go down in Catskills history!
  • There will be an incident that gets the ball rolling. Stay tuned for news and reports about what happened in Britannia!