In the Shadow of Virtue - Rise of the Bane Chosen

Revision as of 18:24, 11 June 2010 by Nimuaq (Talk | contribs)

In the Shadow of Virtue - Rise of the Bane Chosen is a live event within the In the Shadow of Virtue event cycle. It became active on Publish 66.2 and as of June 10th, it is only available in Test Center.

The War between the Bane Chosen and Ophidians

The spotlight of the event is the war between the Bane Chosen forces and the Ophidians in the Lost Lands.

Bane Chosen Side

Bane chosen flag.png Bane Chosen camp is located at 24°52' N 17°17' W, in Lost Lands Desert. John the Recruiter will respond to the specific keywords:

  • Name: Lieutenant John of the Bane Chosen army.
  • Job: It is my duty to recruit new soldiers for the Bane Chosen cause.
  • Cause: We seek to take back the land of Sosaria from the uncivilized races, such as the Ophidians.
  • Ophidians: The Ophidians are a vile race. I lost several members of my family when they attacked Britannia.
  • Chest: If you commit to our cause and help us drive out the Ophidians, I will pay you and the other soldiers from this chest.
  • Bounty: The bounty collector is collecting crystalline blackrock to keep it from the Ophidians but he will only discuss it with those who have proven their loyalty.
  • Loyal: If you want to prove yourself, go up to the front lines where the banners are and start killing Ophidians. Telling me you're loyal proves nothing.
  • Hound: A hell hound trained by our hound masters bond to them supernaturally, the hound will defend its master to the death.
  • Dragon: We use the bane dragons because they are powerful and loyal mounts, our bane dragons cannot be stolen.

If you have more than 2000 loyalty points for the Bane Choosen side, Bane Chosen Bounty Collector offers the Dragon Food quest where you need to obtain 20 Crystalline Blackrock to get a Blackrock Stew as a reward.

Ophidian Side

Ophidian flag.png Ophidian Temple is located at the Ophidian Lair, at 43°3' N 11°48' W in Lost Lands Desert. Ophidian Delphi the Recruiter will respond to the specific keywords:

  • Name: My name is-s-s Ophidian Delphi.
  • Job: I s-s-seek to reward those who help us-s-s.
  • Cause: The Bane Chos-s-sen attack us-s-s. They s-seek our crys-s-stalline blackrock.
  • Ophidians: The Ophidians-s-s want peace with the humans-s-s. They attack us-s-s unprovoked... again.
  • Chest: This-s-s ches-s-st. It contains-s-s s-s-some of our mos-s-st valuable treas-s-sure. If you help us-s-s drive away the Bane Chos-s-sen, we will pay you from it.
  • Bounty: Our alchemis-s-st trade for crys-s-stalline blackrock. But they will not trade with those who s-s-seek to hurt us-s-s.
  • Loyal: Thos-s-se who are loyal to us-s-s would drive away the Bane Chos-s-sen. Help us-s-s on the front lines-s-s of the battle and you will be rewarded well.
  • Shatter: The s-s-shattering potion caus-s-ses-s-s crys-s-stal and glasssss to shatter! We use it against the Bane Chos-s-sen.
  • Fear: The fear potion caus-ses-s thos-se who are affected to be paralyz-s-zed with fear.

The War System

Players start with neutral loyalty rating for both sides. Attacking any side will make your Loyalty Rating negative and make you an Enemy of that side while making you a Symphatizer for the other side. For each enemy you kill, your loyalty towards the side you've chosen will increase 1 - 5 points while decrease triple this amount for the opposing side.

Loyalty Title Notes
2500 to 2000 Friend More than 2000 points is needed to be able to receive quests from the Bounty Collectors.
1999 to 1 Symphatizer More than 1000 points is needed to recieve a reward upon your side's Victory
0 Neutral All players start Neutral until they attack either one of the side
-10000 to -1 Enemy -

The war begins in the middle of the road connecting the two war camps. Each side has their own flag indicating their front line. Double clicking on this flag will tell you the progress of that spawn for that side:

(Ophidians - Bane Chosen) have lost (0 - 19) of 20 from wave (1 - 3) of their front line.

If you kill the enemy side on these front lines, you will get more loyalty points:

You assist the (Ophidians - Bane Chosen) in pushing back the (Bane Chosen - Ophidian) army.

But if you kill the spawn on any other place, you will get less loyalty points:

You kill one of the (Ophidians - Bane Chosen) in the back ranks of their army and gain little recognition.

When all the 20 creatures of the wave are killed on one side, the spawn advances to the next wave:

Beware, reinforcements are coming!

More powerful creatures spawn on each wave just like a mini-champ:

Wave Army Base Loyalty Points
Bane Chosen Ophidian
Wave 1 Bane Chosen Recruits Ophidian Enforcers
Ophidian Warriors
Wave 2 Bane Chosen Hound Masters
Hell Hounds
Ophidian Apprentice Mages
Ophidian Healers
Ophidian Shamans
Wave 3 Bane Chosen Dragon Riders
Bane Dragons
Ophidian Avengers
Ophidian Healers
Ophidian Knight-Errants

The front line moves further to the losing side's camp when all the creatures of all three waves are killed:

The (Ophidians - Bane Chosen) have secured this location, the front line has moved up!

If the final line near any of the side's camp is cleared and you have more than 1000 loyalty points for the victorious side, you will be eligible to recieve a reward:

Victory to the (Ophidians - Bane Chosen)! You have earned a reward for your service! (double click the chest in the (Ophidian temple - Bane Chosen camp) for your reward.)

Double clicking the war chest will put a bag in your backpack that contains one of the following:

However, if you have less than 1000 points, you wont be able to receive a reward:

You have assisted the (Ophidians - Bane Chosen) in routing the (Ophidians - Bane Chosen) but you have insufficient loyalty with them to receive a reward. (1000 loyalty required)

See Also