Template:UO News

Revision as of 11:33, 27 November 2008 by Tancred RedStar (Talk | contribs) (Removed last October update since it's old and to tighten up the top section a bit.)

November 21, 2008

Five on Friday - "Skill Caps and Braziers" - Update on re-deeding issues with vet rewards, dead pet targetting issue, udpate on the EM program, Concussion Blow change, an open-ended answer to the skill cap debate, and assorted Fansite News.

November 14, 2008

Five on Friday - "OSI and Holiday Gifts" - Answers on OSI-owned Housing, Veteran Rewards and a few bugs, reminder on upcoming Holiday 2008 gifts, and assorted Fansite news.

November 7, 2008

Five on Friday - "Blessed Spellbooks & More" - Answers regarding a number of bugs and Lag, Event Moderators and request for questions.

November 6, 2008

November 5, 2008

  • Keep checking UO Guide for updates, or better yet, be the first to contribute some of your discoveries!