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Krilon is indeed one of the profound characters found in the Ultima universe. Once Mondain's orb was shattered, his reality was born. This isn't to say he did not already exist in the norm of Sosaria, however, in alternative universes, he was born earlier than others. His first world was Brittannia... Oh, I'm sorry, they all are called that. The shattered piece in which this world was born was given the name of Silvermist. This was the method used to categorize the multitude of universes and closely guarded relics hidden by Lord British himself.

While Krilon has a multitude of surnames dependant on the realm at which he comes from, for the sake of history, we'll use his first appearance as his original story. Krilon was an orphan. No one knew his family heritage so he was given no surname. But alas later down the line, he was adorned the name of Bane. It was forgotten the original reason it was applied. From his association to the Paladins that banished daemons and undead to the quite silly rhyme of his relationship to the Danes. Whatever the case may be, it stuck. It was eventually discovered that Grinstead was his father.

A Tale of Good Men

"There once was a jolly good fellow,

That met at the clearing of the meadow.

when he pulled out his sword,

a man appeared and roared,

saying, 'Stop pissin' on my land, ya dingalow!'"

-(Krilon and Sephiroth's meeting; completely unrelated to the story below)

Two men of near-same age came into Silvermist and quickly became Brothers at Arms. They were Krilon and Zither (his name changed a few times over the course of his life: Zithar, Zyther,.. but Zythar was the last and this name never changed). Krilon and Zither both went to Trinsic to train as Paladins and later made pilgrimages to Luna. But they both climbed the latter very differently. Krilon started by making ties with a Miner named Mandrake in minoc. He was an adept blacksmith at the time but made his living selling high-end ingots. He pointed Krilon to his primary buyer and legendary blacksmith, Valoria Rose. This is where he got all of his good armor. Somewhat expensive at times, depending on the piece, but well worth it. Eventually, they became close enough that she would custom-make a Valorite set at no charge, just bring the ingots. Zither, on the other hand, got in with the Knights of Virtue, ran by The Dane Family, consisting of Richer Dane, his wife, Natya Dane, and his brother Slope Dane. They also had one major family friend named Sir Slinky. Well Eventually, Zither became the son Richer never had and adopted him into the family. His name was changed by legal deed to Zither Dane (very expensive process). When this happened, Krilon became very distant from Zither and even though he was made a Knight of Virtue by Richer via their connection and even owned a small plot on Marble Island upon where it was headquartered, relational issues had begun to arise.

Krilon and Zither became bitter, but they both respected Richer because he was known for saving Trinsic from a indestructible dragon that begun to burn Trinsic down, but that's a story for a later time, the point is Richer was a major figurehead in this world as the Slayer of Dragons. But despite this Krilon made a feud of the Dane family against him, to the point where a bad judgment call turned Richer's wife to sick her magical Unicorn on him! Not only this, but she even delved into a dark path by hiring a mercenary necromancer to have him killed. This slightly worked, had it not been for the mere fact that a necromancer was sent to kill a paladin, a being that can harm the undead and dismiss their animations and spirits. With luck, he had performed an embrace with a vampire and thus he was able to harm the necromancer significantly into submission.... only to find that they were linked in a blood pact. So as he fell the necromancer, so too was his soul ripped from his body into the land of the dead. Both powerless. Then appearing out of nowhere, Richer had restored not only our souls to our bodies but returned time before, sacrificing most of his energy and spirit to reverse what was done. The necromancer fled into a portal while Richer mended the relationship between his family and Krilon, restoring order from chaos and redeeming the Knights of Virtue of this conflict on their island of peace.

It was at this point that Krilon was somehow associated with the surname of Bane. And while many refer it to the battle with the necromancer, many comment on the Dane Family or the Knights of Virtue. And some still even ignore the stories for the facts, stating his rightful place as a Paladin, banishing the necromancer, deemed it a title.

The Potion Warrior

(Still under construction...)

The potion warrior is one that relies on potions for almost everything and is only truly applicable prior to Age of Shadows expansion (though can be done post-aos with a bit of tweaking such as need for mana for special moves). A few things to note is that a potion warrior still acts like a dexxer, no exceptions, but you will want to try and not use magery too often except for supplemental indirect aid or emergency Greater Heals (You only have little mana to spare though). Stamina is the backbone of all weapon-oriented builds. Another thing to note is that alchemy will be apart of your skillset for the enhancement bonus it offers to potions. But one important detail to realize is that greater heal potions will NOT be your primary means of healing. Healing with bandages will be your primary means. The difference between bandages and heal potions are many. Bandages require the healing skill, usually coupled and boosted by the anatomy skill. This ends up taking a good 200 skill points, where potions don't need any real skill to operate (although as mentioned before, alchemy skill will help enhance their potential at a maximum of 30% at 100.0 which is why this skill is the host of the build). I'll talk more about the template itself later, this section is suppose to show you pointers on how to play this style of character in a Pre-AoS environment against Hally/Macer Mages and common Archer Mage builds.

First of all, never try and take on a group. Its best to engage a single target. Even if your in a group, if your noticeably a dexxer, chances are that you'll be the first target (So try and only join groups of only dexxers to spread those odds if your gonna group hunt). Second always have a nice Vanq or Power 2-hander nearby so that you can proc the special moves, i.e. 2H fencing weapons paralyze for a few seconds. Make a dress hotkey for it so you can quickly undress for potion-drinking. You always want to have the advantage so stock up on bolas to throw your enemy off mounts and have a hotkey to quickly unmount/swing bola/remount. Something many people forget to do is to make sure their character is well-fed. They perform better when they aren't hungry. Remember that Lesser Poisons are better for interrupting spells than stronger doses. Get a weapon in your backpack fully loaded and have a dress-key on it. If you like the stronger Deadly variants, have another weapon alongside (preferably a different one to tell the difference easier) so you can easily adapt to your situation. Also a good thing to get are GH WANDS!! These are definitely handy. Have a quick hotkey for dressing/casting/undressing and use them in a very tight pinch! Scrolls are a nice touch and you can cast 1st-2nd circle spells with 0.0 magery whatsoever. Greater Explosion Potions and Trapped Pouches are a MUST. Use the pouches when your paralyzed to free yourself or pass through para fields. Use the Greater Explosion Potions in sync with your strikes so that you can lay down the hurt simultaneously to where they'll either have to go on the defensive or it completely obliterates them without time for reaction. Alchemy skill at 100.0 enhances a normal Greater Explosion Potion by 30% so your gonna want to have a huge ton of them!

Potion Warrior Foundation

(Under Construction...This section is Broken)

[Pre-AoS] Stats: (225 Cap) Strength 95 Dexterity 100 Intelligence 30

Skills: (720 Cap) -Alchemy 100.0 -Healing 100.0 -Anatomy 100.0 -Tactics 100.0 -Weapon Skill 100.0 (Blades/Blunts/Piercing/Bows) -Parrying 100.0 -Resisting Spells 100.0 -Magery 20.0 (Scrolls Only; +20 skill from using scrolls)


[Pre-AoS] Stats: (225 Cap) Strength 90 Dexterity 95 Intelligence 40

Skills: (720 Cap) Alchemy 100.0 Healing 80.0 Anatomy 100.0 Tactics 100.0 Weapon Skill 100.0 Poisoning 50.0 Hiding 80.0 Parrying/Resisting Spells 50.0 Magery 40.0 (Scrolls allow for 6th circle casting some of the time)

The Path of the Ninja

(under construction...)

This isn't exactly a build or template explanation, but more of guide to unlocking the full potential a ninja character can achieve, learning to fully utilize Ninjitsu and ALL it's accessible features, you can become a very hard opponent to overcome, given the wisdom of the strategy to act and react. We'll go through the various obvious uses for Ninjitsu artists and then we'll touch up on the less obvious.

The opening attack spells (but not always the best approach) are the Surprise Attack and Backstab spells. The former penalizes the enemies defense while the latter inflicts damage (great amount, if done well) based on tracking. Not many ninjas are able to take on tracking but those who do will use Backstab everything they open combat. Otherwise, you might be using Surprise Attack for the offensive advantage.

Then their are 3 main attack spells. Focus Attack, Ki Attack, and Death Strike. Focus Attack requires you to not hold a shield weapon or torch. Pretty but you strike using both hands whether one-handed or two-handed equipped. Ki Attack we'll talk about later. Death Strike is the main ability you should be applying on the Enemy a lot.