Melee Training Guide

Revision as of 12:36, 4 September 2008 by Lucitus (Talk | contribs)

Method 1

50 skill- 70 skill : Ettins

70 skill- 80 skill: Earth Elementals

80 skill- 100 skill: Solen Ants

Method 1 is by far my favorite way of training. I have nothing against power gaming, I power game from time to time, and I like it, but Method 1 nets a good amount of gold, and gives you experience fighting. I believe there is a lot of be said for actually playing a character, because you learn not only the strengths and weakness's, but you also learn to get comfortable with it.

That being said, let's move onto Method 2.

Method 2

50 skill- 70 skill: Ettins

70 skill- 80 skill: Earth Elementals

80 skill- 100 skill: Golem

This method is a little bit of a trick. I assure you, this is 100% legal! You will NOT be banned for using this trick. And if you are, well, you won't be, let me leave it at that. Outlined below is a list of tasks to be completed before you start to golem train:

Task #1: Acquire a 100% poison weapon in your melee skill, or a use best weapon skill 100% poison weapon. -make sure that the weapon you get does not have any hit spell on it. If it does, it will make Golem training that much harder. The goal here is to do the easy routine.

Task #2: Acquire a set of +20 (or greater) jewelry in your melee skill. -your goal with this is that when you put on the jewelry, your skill should show that it's now 100, note, it won't be 100 real, it will be 100 adjusted.

Task #3: Acquire a GM Tinker made Golem. -Hopefully you have a friend who has GM tinkering, and they can make you one. If not, they shouldn't cost TOO much. If you save your money from fighting the ettins and the earth elementals, then you should be good to go.

Task #4: Get guilded. -Join a friends guild. If you don't do this, this trick won't work.

Now that you have completed those four tasks, here's what you do:

Step #1: Grab your golem and stand someplace. -the popular place to "golem train" is outside the Luna Bank

Step #2: Equip your weapons and jewelry.

Step #3: Say "all guard me" 3 times. -this will make your golem highlight green to you.

Step #4: Type in "All stop" but do not press enter yet -Go to step #5 now... :)

Step #5: Use Context Menu -Using the context sensitive menu's, select the "kill/attack" option and target yourself, then QUICKLY press your enter button.

If you do this right, the Golem should stop attacking you right away and you should start to gain. Please be aware, you may have to go through steps 3-5 several times before it works right. If you keep getting hit, just keep using the 'all stop' command.
