Template:Special Moves

Revision as of 03:51, 29 March 2009 by Bomb Bloke (Talk | contribs) (Unfortunately this isn't true for all such pages. Would be nice if you fixed this, JC.)

Designed to be used on Weapons pages to standardise the display of Special Moves.

Template Parameters

{{Special Moves
| primary=
| secondary=
  Valid: armorignore, armorpierce, bladeweave, bleedattack, block, crushingblow, concussionblow, 
  defensemastery, disarm, dismount, dualwield, doubleshot, doublestrike, feint, frenziedwhirlwind, 
  forcearrow, forceofnature, infectiousstrike, lightningarrow, movingshot, mortalstrike, nervestrike, 
  paralyzingblow, psychicattack, ridingswipe, shadowstrike, serpentarrow, talonstrike, whirlwindattack 