Template:Featured Establishment

  New Player House

The New Player House is built by Mim Foxglove to provide inspiration and encouragement for the young ones. It was built the first day housing is allowed in Trammel. It is located south of Trinsic public gate, the first house to the south. The house is full of information for new players, basic things and links to good places for more in-depth information. Also items new players need to know about are displayed and often examined. If you have some gold you can buy a cheap good armor. If you don't have gold you can ask for a free set and weapon of decent quality, or a mage suit. You can learn something about skills and templates from the guides written by Veteran players of Europa.
If you are not new you are welcome anyways to have a look and maybe some opinions. If you like what we are doing, help us to direct the new players here!

See more in the Featured Establishments Archive.