Mondain's Legacy Minor Artifacts

Revision as of 19:34, 17 January 2008 by Ceruleus (Talk | contribs) (replaced listing with table of images from Artifacts (Mondain's Legacy) page)

Mondain's Legacy Minor Artifacts are 21 magic items that were introduced to gameplay on August 30, 2005. These items spawn in a player character's backpack. They are earned through battle with the Named Monsters that reside in the nine Mondain's Legacy Dungeons. As these items have been spawning continuously in-game for over two years, they are readily had from vendors, and often at very low prices. There are two exceptions to this general rule: the Totem of the Void and the Soulseeker. The former is valued by mages, Paladins, and Necromancers alike. The latter is a Super Slayer weapon with significant leech modifications and a coveted Special Move, Whirlwind Attack.

Aegis of Grace.gif Aegis of Grace File:Blade dance.gif Blade Dance File:Boomstick.gif Boomstick
File:Bonesmasher.gif Bonesmasher File:Bloodwood spirit.gif Bloodwood Spirit File:Brighsight lenses.gif Brightsight Lenses
File:Fey leggings.jpg Fey Leggings File:Flesh ripper.gif Flesh Ripper File:Helm of swiftness.gif Helm of Swiftness
File:Pads of the cu sidhe.gif Pads of the Cu Sidhe File:Quiver if rage.gif Quiver of Rage File:Quive of the elements.gif Quiver of the Elements
File:Raeds glory.gif Raed's Glory File:Robe of the equinox.gif Robe of the Equinox File:Robe of the eclipse.gif Robe of the Eclipse
File:Righteous anger.gif Righteous Anger File:Soul seeker.gif Soul Seeker File:Talon bite.gif Talon Bite
File:Totem of the void.gif Totem of the Void File:Wildfire bow.gif Wildfire Bow File:Windsong.gif Windsong