Animated Weapon

Animated Weapon - In Jux Por Ylem
Animated weapon.jpg Mana Cost Minimum Skill Delay (seconds)
11 33 1.25
Reagents Bone, Black Pearl, Mandrake Root, Nightshade
Duration Up to ~120 seconds.
Area of Effect Based off Targets' combat strength and proximity.
Description Conjures and animates a weapon that selects a Target to attack based off its combat strength and proximity. The Animated Weapon disappears after a set amount of time. The Animated Weapon's stats and duration are determined by the Caster's Mysticism and either Focus or Imbuing (whichever is greater) skills. Damage is determined by the Caster's Anatomy and Tactics skills. Requires 4 pet control slots.

See Also

Mysticism Spells
Animated Weapon · Bombard · Cleansing Winds · Eagle Strike · Enchant · Hail Storm · Healing Stone
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