Template:UO News

Revision as of 11:47, 10 January 2009 by Tancred RedStar (Talk | contribs)

January 9, 2009

Janurary 8, 2009

Slime Invasion Fixes will extend the Acid Slime invasion as well as fix issues with Dragon Barding Deeds used with Swamp Dragons. All neon-dyed swamp dragons will be reverted to iron color.

December 19, 2008

Five on Friday - "Event Moderators and Icy Patches" - The list of new EMs, hints for the Slime Event, a bug with Powerscrolls, a bug with Icy Patches, info on moving config files, info on balancing, update on speech/emote color bug, meeting EMs, and assorted Fansite News.

December 18, 2008