
Revision as of 10:28, 2 March 2008 by Ceruleus (Talk | contribs) (Armor Slots)

Armor is the category of in game items that can be equipped by a character mostly for defensive purposes. Armor generally has resistances and other properties used by a character in combat. This distinguishes armor from clothing, as other than a few pieces made by Seers and Event Moderators over the years, and also specifically hats, which take up the helm armor slot, clothing usually does not have defensive or offensive item properties.

Types of Armor

Armor Slots

Armor can first be categorized in a general sense by what armor slot it takes up on the paperdoll, which denotes what part of the body the armor is associated with. There are 7 armor slots available:

Suit Type

Armor can also be categorized more specifically by the type of suit of which the armor is a part. The suits are themselves categorized by what skill is required to make them.




See Also