Mondain's Legacy Minor Artifacts

Revision as of 12:37, 29 February 2008 by Ceruleus (Talk | contribs) (link)

Mondain's Legacy Minor Artifacts are 21 magic items that were introduced to gameplay on August 30, 2005. These items spawn in a player character's backpack. They are earned through battle with the Named Monsters that reside in the nine Mondain's Legacy Dungeons. As these items have been spawning continuously in-game for over two years, they are readily had from vendors, and often at very low prices. There are two exceptions to this general rule: the Totem of the Void and the Soulseeker. The former is valued by mages, Paladins, and Necromancers alike. The latter is a Super Slayer weapon with significant leech modifications and a coveted Special Move, Whirlwind Attack.

Aegis of Grace.gif Aegis of Grace File:Blade dance.gif Blade Dance File:Boomstick.gif Boomstick
File:Bonesmasher.gif Bonesmasher File:Bloodwood spirit.gif Bloodwood Spirit File:Brighsight lenses.gif Brightsight Lenses
File:Fey leggings.jpg Fey Leggings File:Flesh ripper.gif Flesh Ripper File:Helm of swiftness.gif Helm of Swiftness
File:Pads of the cu sidhe.gif Pads of the Cu Sidhe File:Quiver if rage.gif Quiver of Rage File:Quive of the elements.gif Quiver of the Elements
File:Raeds glory.gif Raed's Glory File:Robe of the equinox.gif Robe of the Equinox File:Robe of the eclipse.gif Robe of the Eclipse
File:Righteous anger.gif Righteous Anger File:Soul seeker.gif Soul Seeker File:Talon bite.gif Talon Bite
File:Totem of the void.gif Totem of the Void File:Wildfire bow.gif Wildfire Bow File:Windsong.gif Windsong