
Lions spawn in the savannah to the west of the Eodon Moongate, just northeast of the pyramid. Lions can be tamed, but killing one will lower your karma.

A lion.
"You" indicates the location of the savannah in Eodon. The moongate is in the center of the circles to the east.
A lion in the Eodon savannah.


Lion Statistics
Spawn Locations Eodon
Fame ~100 Slayer Vulnerability
Karma ~190 Alignment Positive
First Seen Time of Legends Pack Instinct Feline
Gold 131 - 159 Magic Items 1 - 5
Special Bandages, Stash Treasure Map Cut Up Hides, Raw Ribs
Strength 703 - 728 Hit Points 351 - 368
Dexterity 201 - 219 Stamina 201 - 219
Intelligence 107 - 138 Mana 107 - 138
Barding Difficulty 60 - 80 Taming Difficulty 96.0
Base Damage 16 - 22 Preferred Foods Meat
Wrestling 102 - 108 Poisoning
Tactics 100 - 102 Magery
Resisting Spells Evaluating Intelligence
Anatomy Meditation
Detecting Hidden 80 Hiding
Parrying 74 - 99 Healing
Necromancy Spirit Speak
Mysticism Focus 0 - 1
Spellweaving Discordance
Bushido Ninjitsu
Chivalry Special Abilities Armor Ignore, Bleed, Paralyze, Piercing
Resists and Damage
Types Physical Fire Cold Poison Energy
Resistances 56 - 64 33 - 39 31 - 39 30 - 40 22 - 28
Damage 100% -- -- -- --

  • Statistics taken from 10 Lions.

See Also