

Allosauruses are usually found roaming the northern swamps of the Valley of Eodon. Those found at the Dragon Turtle Champion Spawn are the same, but have their strenght, hitpoints and wrestling significantly lowered.


Roaming Allosauruses

Allosaurus Statistics
Spawn Locations Northern Valley of Eodon
Fame 21000 Slayer Vulnerability (tbd)
Karma -21000 Alignment Evil
First Seen Publish 90: ToL Pack Instinct None
Gold ~1500 Magic Items 8 - 9
Special Cut Up 11 Horned Hides, 3 Raw Ribs
Strength 699 - 828 Hit Points ~18000
Dexterity 200 Stamina 200
Intelligence 127 - 150 Mana 48 - 70
Barding Difficulty 160.0 Taming Difficulty N/A
Base Damage 21 - 23 Preferred Foods Meat
Wrestling 122.6 - 146.3 Poisoning -
Tactics 124.1 - 135.2 Magery -
Resisting Spells 101.0 - 109.8 Evaluating Intelligence -
Anatomy 0.0 Meditation -
Detecting Hidden Hiding
Parrying Healing
Necromancy Spirit Speak
Mysticism Focus
Spellweaving Discordance
Bushido Ninjitsu
Chivalry Special Abilities Disarm, Armor Pierce
Resists and Damage
Types Physical Fire Cold Poison Energy
Resistances 65 - 75 55 - 64 60 - 69 91 - 100 60 - 69
Damage 50% 50%

Champion Spawn Allosauruses

Allosaurus Statistics (all other values same as above)
Spawn Locations Dragon Turtle Champion Spawn
Gold ~1000 Magic Items 5
Strength 347 - 387 Hit Points 942 - 958
Wrestling 99.6 - 108.3
  • Note: Statistics taken from 25+ Allosauruses, both roaming the swamps and at the Champion Spawn.

See Also

Other Dinosaurs

Other Champion Spawn Creatures